Moving on

That's what I wanted to do, you know?
Move on and forget him.
Leave everything behind
The memories that we shared
All the words he said to me
You may be thinking forgetting could be easy, but it's not.
It's actually hard.
Specially if you were soooo close to that person.

I want to be able to move on with my life
I already know he doesn't care,
So why care for someone who doesn't care back, right?

It could just be my body wanting him.
but the pain I feel in my chest says otherwise.
The emptiness I feel, doesn't agree.

I mean, it was all my fault.
I broke up with him, right?
So technically, it's my loss, right?

But he didn't fight back
So that says something.
All he says is he respects my decision
But what if I wasn't sure on that decision?

That maybe, just maybe, I was to afraid?
That I felt the need to run and hide?
I mean, he said he doesn't want to hurt me,
but he was everyday.

With every unspoken word, it takes my breath away,
another stab through the chest.
Another day not hearing from him.

Hell, I didn't have to live like that.
I left, I didn't want to live a miserable, painful life.
But look now, I am.

I'm living a miserable and painful life.
Without him by myself,
So, either way...
I would still be hurting.