
I feel so alone
All the time
Even when people surround me,
I feel alone
Those things do not exist
They’re simply people you see on a regular basis
Nothing more
Nothing less
I need you
Can’t you see?
You were all I had
All I lived for
Without you, there’s no me
There’s no life
No world
No universe
No nothing
Why oh why did you do this to me?
I can’t bear it
I can’t live through another day
I need you
But you don’t need me
You’ve moved on
On to someone else
Someone that I know
I haven’t told you that,
Fore I feel I can’t spare any more pity
Any more guilt
I can’t live a lie
But I can’t tell you the truth
Oh what am I to do?
Fore I am lost in a dark and mysterious world without you
I’m vulnerable
In this entire universe
I’ll never find another like you
You captured my heart
Then you broke it
Killing it entirely
I fear the world now
Unsure of what’s to come
What to do
Where to go
You were my light
My very existence
The reason I got up in the morning
Now what shall I do?
Stay in bed all day?
I need you
Can’t you see that?
I need you like human needs air
Like sun needs night
Like fish need water
Like trees need soil
Like animals need food
You were my only laughter
My brains’ wisdom
My hearts’ beat
My very soul
I can live without food
Without water
Even without air
I can live in poverty
On the street
In a dumpster
But the only thing that I can’t live without…
Is you