When It Rain

When It Rain,

She’ll stand there and wait for hell to open up and swallow her whole,

So pain and misery can be stopped.

She’ll cut and watch the blood slip away,

Wishing she could slip away as easily

She’ll stand in the rain,

Knowing as it brings destruction to anything in its path,

That that is the exact same thing she’ll do

They look into her eyes and she calmness and normality,

But look deep down and you are able to see the beginning of World War 3

She’ll cry and hurt,

Bu you’ll only shun it off for teenage hormones

Aggressively jumps out of her mouth the word H.A.T.E,

Those four letter words like bullets that wound so many

But never does the word L.O.V.E leave her mouth,

But only for her mother and brother

She screams,

As she wakes from the dream that jeers her to commit the crime

So she’ll come here and find that special friend,

That may save her from herself

And the words that will leave her lips now are those that say.