The mirror never lies

Baby you stand alone in your bathroom, standing on the broken glass that once used to be a mirror, the mirror you broke when you saw inside, inside your blackened soul, saw the evil you have done.

The mirror never lies baby you looked in it and began to cry, start to curse what you became, looking in that mirror brings forward all the evil you have done makes you remember the ones who you have burnt.

That mirror made you remember all the people, people you have beaten, bashed and bruised, the people you threw aside like empty coke cans on the side of a road. That mirror now lays broken on your bathroom floor. It never lies baby that mirror never lies.

For all that evil you have done, all the people you have destroyed, for all that lack of sorrow you have never felt, you now are paying the price, paying with your blood, blood drawn by the broken mirror on your bathroom floor. You can’t hide baby that the mirror never lies.

You were once kind and your soul was clear and unstained but you discovered drugs, money and corruption it changed you for the worse made your heart and soul black, dark as the midnight sky, made your insanity worse made you smash that glass, the glass that was you mirror.

Baby you should know by now that the mirror never lies, every mirror you look in causes you to go madder makes you hide in your mind and makes you begin to regret, regret the evil side you have become, but it wont change now baby its to late honey your time is up and what has happened cant be undone.

That mirror never lies, that mirror that shows inside your soul, that mirror which lays broken, broken on your bathroom floor, that mirror that’s in pieces its just like your broken heart.