
here i stand alone again in front of the gates of hell, smoke and flame consume the land, here only the dammed survive, those with nothing to live 4, those who are just evil.

in this place of darkness, light can not shine through, good can not prevail y evil still moves through, the only light i see, is the devils eyes as i enter through the gates, to a place of no return.

from a child to an adult, through good and bad, I promised not to miss my chance, on my turn I dropped my chance there for doomed myself to walk, walk this lonely desolate waste of a land, never to be happy while I was, part of the living.

I move through this dark desolate land, hoping to find an escape to my living hell, I can think only of 1 way, 1 way to escape the hell that is my life, death is the first and only option, so many ways so little time, I hate my life, every day the pain gets worse, I feel my anger growing, need to take out my frustration, my wrist seems the perfect place.

Every drop of blood I shed takes me closer, closer to my love of death, cant feel the pain, iv lost my anger, no more frustration, beginning to feel weak, cant stand on my feet, I see the reapers chariot approach, I see his ghostly figure, with my final breath I say my last good bye.