What If I Did This...Would It Hurt You?

What if...I ran-away?
Would it be pleasant?
To be somewhere new?
Living on my own without you?

What if...I drove away?
Across the country or some other pleasant state?
To see the world rather than these four wall that trap me inside.
Being free and wild,
What a great change that would bring to my heart in reply.

What if...I walked away?
Would I ever be recived in you home like I am today?
Not that its much of a home, its unpleaseant in many ways.
I just wish my destiny could change.
For the good, which I doubt;
But at least something exciting,
Somewhere where I can get out.
I mean, being in a dull house with nothing to do but chores every day,
Don't you think it's unfair?
I would rather live alone without you than be bossed around doing everything like you don't even give a care..
That is why I have the thoughts of leaving this family behind,
And moving on,
To somewhere better,
Where I can be gone, and maybe with no good-bye

What if...I ditched you for someone else?
Would you ever forgive me?
I mean, c'mon, you never gave gave me a reason to stay.
Running off with a friend or someone else, to have a roomate instead of having you around.
I long to leave you all, sorry if it makes you say
"Why are you doing this? Didn't you love us in any way?
After all we've done for you, you just simply walk away? Turn you back on us? How can you be so ignorant?"
I find this possible to say, "It was never a home, so now I leave"
But that would be to harsh, wouldn't it be?

What if...I went away?
Would I just pack my stuff and go
Out the window without ever comming back to this home?
With no good bye to the people who were my "family"
To everyone I knew, to leave them behind?
I don't know what to think.
But I want some freedom.
I don't want to leave you with broken hearts
But I don't want mine's like that either...

If I runaway, I guess it will be planned.
But if you reject the idea,
Then so long people
I am gotta here.
Feel free to get me banned.