Silent Suffers

It’s a quarter past one, and the clocks just begun
And it’s ticking and clicking away

All the crowd shuffles in
But they don’t smile or grin

They’re here to watch you all
As you stumble and fall

Playing your stupid game

It’s cold
And you fold
Down on your knees

Yelling, Please oh God Please

Just give me another…
Pass, a Go, Touchdown or Throw

The clock is ticking ever louder
How much time is left for the game?

We’ve all offered you a hand
But you still choose not to stand

So what else can we do
We’ve tried to be there for you

But we’re all just shot down

It’s cold
And you fold
Down on your knees
Screaming, Please oh God Please

Just give me another…
Pass, a Go, Touchdown or Throw

The masks of the silent suffers

Are there to hide their fears
And all their quiet tears

But you’ve chosen to dwell
In your own private hell

It’s cold
And you fold
Down on your knees
Cryin’, Please oh God please!

Just give me another high!