you looked better on myspace

What is in a reflection? The mirror holds the truth.
While you're a caricature of perfection, held together by glue
(made of prozac and cosmetics)
You're still in control, we need no paramedics.
You still have a role, not yet written off, because
NOBODY knows,
how you're truly pathetic.
But society demands you fit their standards.
A true aesthetic, bound with prosthetics, becoming apathetic.
Hidden in vanity.
Vanity corrupts, like your face is profanity.
We all get caught up in a conceited lie
while applying false lashes to the lid of your eye.
mirror mirror on the wall, the one we all love most of all.
You cannot judge, but merely reflect.
No lies you tell, no standards you set.
You know the truth society can't.
You see the pill bottle in my hand.
You see me at my weakest,
(but we musn't forget..)
You see my teary eyes, made up perfectly, but wet.
You reflect each inperfection
and each perfect part.
My life outside home isn't easy, it's a complicated art.
2 souls living with one heart.
And yet this heart percieves that both false faces can only last a while.
And will have no value without a core of substance:
I'd rather have a copper face with a golden soul then play this deceitful role.