I Pray Someone Will Pick Me Up

I pray that someone will pick me up,
Hold me, not heal me, I'm too broken to be healed, too far gone to be saved,
Ghostly voices are haunting me, trying to break me even further, filling my head like a deadly conscience,
I'm gritting my teeth to stop me shattering, but the voices are getting louder, banging like a drum,
I shake my head, make it go away, how did it get to this?
I ache and and my wounds seem to re-open,
I can't take it
I am done with this life, and I am done with this town,
I Lie awake in bed at night,
And I think about my life,
Yes, I do want to be different
I guess It's time to forget about the past
And to wash away what happened
But its not a beautiful lie,
Its far from beautiful,
It's ugly and repulsive, it reminds me of myself.
My misery and hate will kill us all, well me at least,
I hate this dark place, I hate the voices,
I hate the thought that I'm so fucked up, and that I'm so lonely
And again I pray that someone will pick me up....and hold me.