The Way I Feel Today

I feel so different from all the people that I see
I just don't feel lke there's much in this world for me

Today is one of those days where I feel very small
Like a little person with a little voice that nobody hears at all

People walking all over me with big ugly shoes
I guess you could say I got a case of the blues

Staring out the window feeling depressed
It's like something got a hold of my soul and now i'm possessed

Blank vast stares into the distance
I feel like i'm starting to fall out of existence

I sleep the days away and waste my nights
Waiting for something better before they read my my last rites

Time is priceless, but it seems like i'm always wasting mine
I guess i'm just waiting for my one chance to shine

People say good things come to those who wait
Guess that's why I've been waiting my whole life, to fugure out my fate

I'm usually a pretty patient person
But i'm hoping life gets better before it starts to worsen

So for now I guess i'll try to keep a smile on my face
No tears or sadness will I leave a trace

Just hold my head away from the ground
And maybe someday mylife will be found