I'm that girl

Today I'm the girl on the side of the road
Walking with her head down low
I'm the girl with the faded smile
I'm the girl that can drive for miles
Not knowing were she is going
And never looking back
I'm a relapse just waiting to happen
I'm that broken promise you shifted to the side
I'm the words you whisper when you lie
Say you love me and i'll still cry
I'm a lost cause baby
Sweep me under the rug
I'm the girl in the back seat singing along
I'm the one lieing on the floor writing the song
I'm the lyrics scribbled on the bathroom wall
I'm the lasting effect
That little porcelin doll
I'm your disease baby... Look me in the eyes
I'm your sickness sweetie you can't break these ties
Daylight isn't suttle, neither is my stare
I'm loosing it all
Not that you care.
Today is almost over
The lights are going down
I'm smiling now only because I have no time to frown
Loosen up hunny, your way to tense these days
I last longer than you thought, you get what you payed.
Like that everlasting taste
You just can't spit out
Ill leave you wanting more
But knowing your fresh out.
Don't undermind my power
I'm the one that holds the key
I could be your best friend
Or your worst enemy
So today I'm being me
You get what you see
I have no time for your pointed finger, believe me when I say I know its been to long. Don't worry about me though i'll write your favorite song