A Tale

She spends her
Nights crying
She spneds her
Days lying

She covers all
The pain inside
A fake smile for
Each tear she's cried

If there was a number
For all the times
The people around her
Committed these crimes

Surely then
She might live
Inside her dying
Heart will always give

Each time she
Hears that voice
Her heart makes
That choice

The one to live
The one to die
The one to stop
Her suicide

A story is told
A heart is killed
For Life's will

She spends her
Nights living
She spends her
Days giving

More and more
To each fake smile
More and more
All the while

She tells of
Her Mentors
Think of her

Cross your veins
And Pray to Live
We take so much
What do we give

Life is meant
To be a Joke
We aren't whole
So are we broke?

He spends his
Nights thinking
He spends his days

In all of
His life
The pain behind
Her every lie

What lies do those eyes hold
What pain is in that heart
Where does it have to end
Why does it have to start?

In life we go through things
None of us ever should
In life we go through things
Some of us never could

In life we'll always hurt
There will always be pain
Thankfully in life
There will Always be the Rain

Some times in life
Its time to cry
On the days
You just can't try

Life now
is so different froem then
Life now
No who knows what's happened

Everthing in Life
Is not a lie
Everything in life
Makes you try

She turns to her friend
He saves her by the night
Slowly returning
Light to her life

And as her soul wanders
She meets and Angel
And he began to catch her
As she fell

Not only catching her
But her tears two
Soon the pieces
Fit like new

Life became a blur
And she became numb
Quite like a piece
Of chewing gum

He tried so hard
To bring back the life
He worked for so long
To put in that light

But with each passing moment
And each tear she shed
Her Angel would find her
More and more dead

Dying inside
She turned to him
Little did they know
No one could win

What happened next
Was magical
It must have been
A miracle

He wante to love her
To break the mask
And he succeeded on
The second task

The first was hard
But yet completed
Her life began a new
Internal Death defeated

He loved her
She trusted him
Slowly they let
A new chapter begin

And as it moved forward
These lovers felt light
Like a fresh Rain
On a summer night

They couldn't see the future
But they didn't care
As long as the other
Was right there

As each day passed
And each night flew
The love would stay
Between the two

There was days few
Where he couldn't help her
For his love
It was her shelter

If he left her
Surely then she would die
It could only be
A suicide

He days grew numbered
As the pain built
She wanted to take
A sword by its hilt

And thrust it through
He pained frame
For life and Death
It's all the same

He tried to keep
Her held safe
Forever in his arms
Hoping she would take

And as she lay
Up late at night
Thinking and dreaming
Of his light

He lay and think
Of her too
They many ways to say
I love you

Just to hear I love you
Fall softly from his lips
Just to hear I love you
Warmly in his kiss

Just to hear I love you
Forever in his touch
Just the simple I love you
Meant so much

Never would her leave her
Forever her Angel
Eternally by his side
She was forever his as well

The Angel
The Human
The man
The woman

Pefectly matched
A married pair
Never leaving
Eternally there

Now I must share
As this is the closing
How true this is
And the lack of imposing

She is I
And He is He
Together forever
We make We

Always in his arms
Forever by his side
Living only for the moment
Not tomorrow night
