Fork In The Road

Walking down this winding road
stopping at the fork in it
One lead to the city,
of routine,Normality, and such
The other to a wonderland,
pschychodelic colors,unusual creatures, and life.
I sit upon a stump between the two worlds
thinking all the while:
Happiness or Sadness
Unusual or Normal
Life or Death...
Or, wait there is a third option,
go back the way I came
and cease to exist at all.
I ponder a bit longer
as the sun sinks down,
Standing up I sigh,
and walk backwards,
the way i had come.
I Chose not to exist at all.
It is better to not exist at all than,
Live in complete happiness,
and never knowing dissappointment,
Or live life never knowing what it feels like to be happy and loved.