This Journey

You sit there. Not knowing how to feel. You know exactly WHAT you feel, but you feel conflicted on if you should feel it. You search for reassurance, but you only find more questions. You search for answers, but the further you venture into unknown territories, the more insecure you become. And when you look for reassurance, you realize that the only one you need is the one you can’t have. And when you can’t think of anything else to do, you feel like quitting. You feel like curling up in a ball, and pretending it all doesn’t exist. But the more you pretend, the more prominent it becomes until you can’t get it out of your head. A dead end it seems? Wrong. Just when you seem to be trapped, a window opens. And out that window, millions of roads leading every direction. All directions except backwards. Moving backwards seems almost impossible, you could do it, but it all makes sense now. Moving forward is the only way to survive. Do you want to move back? Confliction sets in again. You’ve come so far, in such a little time. Maybe one of these roads might lead to the same place, in a happier time. Maybe they could lead to a happy place, but not the same place.

The future is full of unknowns.

You knew that when you started this journey.