The Original Romeo and Juliet

Rising over the horizon,
steeling sneaking glances,
as he banishes his love,
for the coming day.

Rising over the horizon ,
steeling sneaking glances,
as she banishes her love,
for the coming night.

Damned to an eternity of doom,
to see the one they love, for but a short time,
to never hold nor touch,
only banish from the sky.

He waits,
high up in the sky,
well into the night
but he sees no more of his love.

She waits,
High up in the sky,
Well into the day,
but she sees no more of her love.

Damned to an eternity of doom,
to see the one they love, for but a short time,
to never hold nor touch,
only banish from the sky.

They live for the near moments they share the sky,
though they are few,
one could not be with out the other.

For he is the Sun
and she the Moon.