romeo romeo.

How cruel a gag and blindfold binds,
The beauty of a love so pure –
Labelled both with but a name,
A word, a mere word – no more.
‘Tis just the name that separates,
Two lovers in two separate worlds,
‘Tis just a name that severs through,
The yearning love of one young girl.
Such fate, such a merciless taunt -
That affection should flourish between the two,
That destiny had written apart –
And birthed a lie for what is true,
For now a light that’s made to shine,
The light of love, the beacon in the mist –
Must be hidden, covered and hushed,
With every word and every kiss.
All for one name, what is a name?
What right has it to keep away –
Two beings who each yearn for the other,
Yet must be apart each night, each day.
Romeo, if he could obtain,
Another – any other name,
For his name does not make his heart,
And from his love I’m forced to part,
If he could hold another title,
The unwritten law would cease to exist,
And there would be no risk of death,
Each moment we allow ourselves to kiss.
With that name there was a curse,
The family line has brought none but pain,
But tis’ not you, nor part of you,
Tis nothing more than a name.
Decision has turned me to your face,
And in your arms I willingly fall.
For despite your name, a mere word,
You hold my heart; you are my all.