
why can't someone just hold me?
why can't someone tell me they love me?
when is someone going to be my time to be happy?
I understand that my friends loves me.
I understand that my family loves me.
but, when is it that I find the one I want and need.
the one who doesn't care how I act or dress.
when is it going to be my time to be loved?
when am I gonna feel someone's protective arms around me?
when will this sadness pass?
when will my heart stop aching for love and affection?
why do I feel as though I don't exist?
why do I feel as though I’m invisible?
or am I destined to be alone because of my strong ambitions or personality.
is it because of the fact that I speak my opinion.
is it that if someone does something stupid I tell them.
is it that i stick up for myself and don't necessarily need a knight in shinning armor.
but consider the fact that i want my knight, one true love, someone new, exciting, who I’ve never met before to save me from this darkening cave called my life.
I need someone who will see past my rough outer shell, and know/want to know my soft, passionate inner core.
some guys think of me as one of the guys, but then again that could just be all in my head.
I need to know why these tears flow from my saddened eyes.
I need to know when my happiness is going to come back.