
I'm stuck down in this hole
This never ending well
Stuck between two worlds
between heaven and hell

A speck of light above
seems like just a lie
So much distance is between them
this abyss and the sky

But I must see if it's an illusion
this hope that's so far away
So I start climbing,
climbing, forever climbing
in hopes of seeing the day

I see this light grow brighter
some dimly shows the wall
I look at the ground in fear
to see how far I could fall

I'm amazed at how far I've come
so much that I start to shake
knowing I could lose all this progress
in one simple mistake

I don't think it's an illusion
This sometimes blinding light
So I keep climbing,
climbing, forever climbing
in hopes of this feeling being right

The night is quickly coming though
The wall's light quickly fades
The stones grow cold on the wall
as they're swallowed by the shade

My vision is growing bleak
it soon followed by my hope
But I have not the time or strength
to just sit around and mope

I can't see this "illusion"
the dark covers it start to end
But I keep climbing,
climbing, forever climbing
not realizing the dark is my friend

For the night pass quickly
even it wants me to persevere
because in this empty hell
even the dark cowers in fear

So it is quickly replaced
by dawn's radiant glow
but the light shows a surprise,
that I don't have far left to go

This is not an illusion,
this light which creates life
So i keep climbing,
climbing, forever climbing
Near the end of my strife

My fingers reach the ledge
but here is the hardest part
Should i stick to what I have known
or go for a new, better, start

But no matter my decision
there's one thing that is clear
This is my only chance to decide
whether to forever leave or stay here

I wish it was an illusion
for now I have to choose
So I'm waiting,
thinking, forever changing
for I have all I know to lose

My decision, regardless of what I choose,
doesn't matter in the end because
whether I choose to stay or leave
one thing is and will be true
This is my last chance at redemption