Constriction of Form

Must one walk fettered by these paper chains,
And stir no longer, silent in his speech?
The world will weary of such senseless strains.

A hushed and arduous hike down step-worn lanes,
Such is the quiet ancient statues preach.
Must one walk fettered by these paper chains?

So, slowly marching, whisper our refrains,
Our voices stolen, breathing harsh and leached.
The world will weary of such senseless strains.

To carry on our backs archaic remains,
To bind the walk to bones the years have bleached,
Must one walk fettered by these paper chains?

And on, so bound, we walk, and feeling drains
Into a numbing jar which can’t be breached.
The world will weary of such senseless strains.

What depth or freedom loses, visage gains,
And order is a noble goal to reach;
Must one walk fettered by these paper chains?
The world will weary of such senseless strains.