growing up

i'm sorry i dissapoint you so,
i don't know why i keep doing so many things "wrong."
i'm just a forgetful person,
you should now that by now.
i know that you think i do it just to get you mad,
but i dont.
i don't like when you yell and scream.
everytime you yell your just adding another brick to the wall your building.
it's hard for me to say this 'cause a tear just came down my face.
it's just the complete oppisite,
i love you so much.
i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.
i'm growing up now and you have to realive that were growing apart.
i'm changing im going to be spending less time with you.
i'm a women now and you have to let me grow up.
no matter how old i get i will alawys be your baby.
i need my space, you just need to let me grow up.
let me be me.