be just like you

why make a promise you cant keep,
why not just say “i cant or I don’t want to.”
why get my hopes up for nothing.
you know who you are,
and you know exactly what you did.
you broke my heart and you don’t even care.
you made the promise,
now the day is here and gone and it’s too late.
there’s nothing you can do about it know,
don’t try and make it up to me because there’s nothing you can do.
the one thing I wanted and the one thing I could actually have,
is here but I cant have it because it’s you.
you were lazy and stupid.
and ill never forgive you,
someday I will forget,
but it’ll always there.
in the back of my mind,
until one day ill do the same to you.
i’ll make a promise that I know I can’t keep.
then the day it’s time,
i’ll just say “oh sorry i forgot.”
that’s the thing though I know I wont,
because I’m not you.
i wont break your heart and leave you there to pick up the pieces.
just like you did you me.
so the one thing ill never do,
is be just like you.