White Love and Red Rejection

He was seven-teen
She was fifteen
He lived in Canada
She lived in America
His love was different, He loved her. But knew it was wrong.
Her love was heart pounding. She loved him. With her hole heart and soul.
They talked, Walked, and even sang together.
Making songs from the deepest thoughts in their minds.
While holding hands, they told each other their dreams.
And thoughts.
Until one day she spook up about one subject.
A subject they dared never bring up.
So she said. "...Do you know... The answer to the un-answerable question..."?
He looked at her, while she stared into his eyes.
"What is...love.."
His heart pounded with the beat of the blue waves on the shore.
Was this for real?
This was for real.
"Love....is what you feel in...in here" He pressed a hand to her heart, and smiled.
Oh how that smile made her melt were she stood.
It was almost as if a thousand pure angels were singing to the heavens when she smiled.
"Then....do you feel the same" She pressed her own hand to his heart.
"...No....I Don't feel the love." And he walked off.
But she persued
"What is love?!"
"I have no answer"
"You have a heart"!
"A empty black one."
She grabbed him and stared.
But all he did, was pull away.
She watched as he ran away from his feelings.
From her, he ran towards no where.
Rejection...hurts as much as falling in love.
He saw it coming,
And so she did.
Him running across the street.
A streak of red.
And a streak of white.
His body crumpled to the ground, .
How he wanted to tell her
But some how miraculously his face...and lips.
He smiled up at her.
As she stared down at him with tears streaking down her face.
"I know what love is..."
"Then what is it..."
And then, he brought it from his last breath to press his Red sinful lips, to her white pure ones.
"Thats...what love is"