i got it all

i want it all
i want to be loved again
i want to feel love again
i want it and i want it now
no matter how many grl's i d8 i still fell emty inside
like i think that they'll fill the hole but they only make it larger
i want it
i wouldn't mind feeling any emotion really
like the dust of the sun just rubbing against my face
or having my 1st kiss feel like it was supose to
but no crashing,burning,making the hole an abiss of never ending lust
but what is this i see i sun rising over the darkness
no of course not just more lust the only feeling that comes through and out of me
i want to have romance,excitment,passion
but no i just get used like a whore
have i really just become a whore the thing i once despised a prep
well i'll let u ppl descide for me