my wish

I took one big look at him and I was about to cry
First they say we have the same attitude
Now they say we look alike
But what hurts the most is to know he’s not here with me
I wish he was here to support me and tell me jokes
My one true wish but it’ll never come true
Is to just spend one day just me and you
pretty soon my life is going to be singing the blues
Do u ever think about me? I think about you
I have dreams about you….did u know that?
Sure you didn’t I won’t expect you to
But just promise me this and keep your word
Promise me you’re going to be there for me in spirit
At my football games and any other sport event
Just give me a sign your with me so I know
I want to know u care and all the stuff in the past was a fluke
I’m growing up to fast aren’t I huh?
Yes? We do look alike, scary huh?
And what were u thinking in the one picture?
You were looking down on me
I bet I know what u were thinking
You were thinking should I or shouldn’t I kill myself
Yea I bet it was huh? Cant face it can you
But you made a stupid move, do u see what u lost
I need you, I need u bad
But u didn’t see that did u?
Yea, I bet u didn’t, I bet you thought I was just a innocent little boy
Well look at me now? I really grown haven’t I? A little to fast for you?
I’ve grown up a lot, at least I think so.
More responsibilities, more drama, hearts get broken.
Why couldn’t you just do good all the time?
Then none of this would have never happened
You hurt me. You hurt me bad
Don’t you even care that I’m feeling sad?
Just think of all the good times we could have had
Throwing a baseball, doing guy things, racing to get the better seat were we are at
Just think of it and tell me what you think
If you had your life back would you of done what you did to me before?
Would you just leave me alone and just show you don’t care?
If you had your life back and I was old enough to know
And I asked you to quit drinking, would you?
How could you do this to me, why couldn’t you just stay?
Is it because you couldn’t have mommy? Or is it because you were scared?
Common you can tell me I’m your son you can tell me anything I understand
Do u really love me like Nicole said you do? Is it real or is it make believe?
Is this all a fairytale? Can I believe it? I don’t know if I can I want to but I can’t
Think back at when I was a kid……… it’s a blur to you isn’t it
I almost broke down when I heard you kept pictures of me in your wallet
Mommy told me you hated me. I don’t know what to believe anymore
Why did you just throw your life away? But was it for the best?
Couldn’t you just said goodbye and that you love me?
Or did you even love me? Common spit it out tell me how you really feel about me
Hopefully you’re looking at me from up above right now and forever. Can we be forever?
Forever and ever? I hope so I want there to be a me and you
We could have been special together, and then I wouldn’t have to worry about arguing
All the pain and suffering I have to go threw. I can’t stand thinking about not having you
I really need you for surtain stuff. I won’t talk to no one else but you
Mommy’s new boyfriend knew me for a month and told me he loved me like a son
Did u like it when he said that? I didn’t.
NO ONE!!! I mean NO ONE!!! Can ever replace you