The Hospital Stay.

The woman looked at the one she loved engulfing his beauty before she could no longer see it.
The woman loved the man with all her heart and wished she could put him out of the agony she was causing.
The woman reached out as if meaning to touch something, knowing her would do what she wanted.
The woman smiled when he leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips, and in that simple gesture she knew how much he really did love her.

The man kissed her lightly resisting the urge to kiss her with more passion knowing how much physical pain it would cause her.
The man stared at the woman with loving, adoring eyes , tiring to say with his eyes with what he could not with his mouth.
The man looked and realized she was slipping away into another drug induced sleep so for her last conscious moments…
The man would say I love you to his dying wife because the man could not bare to say goodbye.

The woman with her last bit of strength said I love you too to the only man she ever loved.
The woman knew she would never awaken again and she was happy hoping he would find someone else and be happier, healthier, and an all around better person.
The woman then heard the man ask if she would awaken again and knowing it was a lie, said yes .
The woman felt the man get less tense as she recited her lie and knew that it was time to close her eyes.

The man watched as she closed her eyes and felt in his heart that they would never open again though he chose to live in ignorance.
The man was in disbelief when the nurse informed him that his beloved was dead and openly cried.
The man tried to feel something as the tears rolled down his cheeks but could not feel anything for one reason and one reason only.
The man knew the reason though he didn’t want to admit it, when the one he loved died a chunk of himself died along with her.

And just as the one he loved, the part of him was lost forever.