Heath Ledger Tribute

We don’t want to believe
But “they” try to make me see
Can’t “they” leave us be

How could you die
You were everyone’s friend
You were so alive
So full of love

You were so amazing
So praising

We wish “they” would believe
Wish “they” would see
That this wasn’t your fault
It wasn’t your time

You didn’t deserve this
But they just hiss

Every time you cross our minds
Clock goes slow in time
We realize the pain we feel
The devil made his steal

This was too soon
You were too young

Our minds as clouded with your face
Remembering your grace
Think of the place
The place you are in

We know it’s better
Better than here
But dear
You are too missed

The world full of sorrow
It’s become such a dark hour

She will only know stories
Never see your glory
She is only but two
And she will barely remember you

The tears roll down my face
I try to brace
Brace the feelings inside
As I try to fill that empty space

It will never be full
With out you
The world seems dull
Everything about you
You smile
Your eyes
It was bliss
It’s something we miss

You live on in us
Through our hearts and minds
Our souls and thoughts

We can never forget
Never forget your grace
As you rest in a different place