
I was alone...
I am alone...
Why do they all hate me?
What did I do wrong?
Who are you?
Why do you want to hurt me?
Will you be my friend?
Why am I hated?
Is this true friendship?
What is love?
You are all my friends now...
I am alone... I understand now...
I'm not alone anymore...
I don't want to be alone anymore!
You won't run from me?
I won't let you leave me all alone...
I have alot of friends now...
Why am I still alone?
I'm older now... You are all still my friends...
I'm older now... I am still alone...
I will work hard to obtain aknowlagement from all the villagers...
I will not let you take away my purpose...
I have a purpose... To become leader of this village and protect everyone...
I have a purpose... My purpose is to kill all life other than me...
I will not let you hurt anyone in this village!
I will not let you stop me fulfilling my purpose!
I will not let my purpose die!
I will not let you stop me!
The Kyuubi...
I am a monster...
I am no longer seen only as the monster...
I am alone... and you... You walk alongside them... as friends...
Yes... they are my friends...
I wonder... what it is to love...
You will see... Soon enough...
I am forever alone... You cannot change that!