So Are You

You may say i'm hiding things
Like my golden halo or my little wings

But you really have no clue
If you say i'm an angel than I say so are you

You make me smile when no one else can
You are always there for me you always understand

Sometimes you call me just to say hello
And knowing someone cares about me is really nice to know

You're just like an angel guiding me
Talling me to never give up on my dreams and always believe

You don't play the harp and you don't play the violin
But you always have beautiful music playing from within

Maybe your wings are tucked aways in your smile
Because somehow seeing it always lifts me up for a while

Maybe your halo is hidden behind you eyes
And shines through your pupils like the stars in the skies

I can't see your golden halo and I don't know where your little wings are
But I do know you have been the best angel by far