Cancer From My Mom's Point Of View

The cancer kills me
And everyday
A slip of my life
Has gone away.

My lips are chapped
And dull, barley even pink,
I stand slouched
And look so meek.

The doctor says I'll be ok
And forces a smile.
I know there lying
Because there expression only lasts a while.

The chemo seems pointless
I once thought it my salvation,
But now I realize
It was my damnation.

It's to late now for me to live
I wish I could make a vow,
Promise my daughter I'll see her again.\

I know there worried,
But I am too.
I try to be strong,
If only for you.

The tears come when no one looks.
They fall aimlessly
Across my daughters books.

I'm worried about her,
My trouble making child.
I know she'll be ok, sure,
But she's just so wild.

I hope that when I die
She'll know I love her.
I hope that when I say good-bye
She'll care.

It hurts to move sometimes,
But I suck it up and go to work.
I get so ngry sometimes
Because I hurt.

I pretend to be alright,
I really do
With all my might.

I wish I could tell my daughters and son
How much I love the three.
That way when my life is done
They won't hate me.

I wish I could tell them good-bye
Without the chemo,
And peacefully die.