The Infection, And the Breakthrough.

All I ever wanted to do,
Was to prove to you my love.
That I could be faithful, everything you have ever dreamed of,
I could be your beautiful, graceful white dove.

You slammed me up against the wall,
Baffeled me by your indecision.
Was it me you wanted?
Your uncertaintity hit me like a collision.

Days turned into weeks, which turned into a month.
I did not want to wait any longer.
I did what any girl would do,
I let you go, thinking it would make me stronger.

All this did was destroy my mind,
It sent me into a phaze of insanity.
You took away my common sense,
Everything that had ever mattered to me.

All that was on my mind was you,
Getting you back, making you love me again.
This sent me farther into my state,
I was unsure if I would ever surface again.

People were concerned for me,
I completely ignored them.
I could waste no time on pointless fright,
Your poison was going up my stem.

At one point I was completely obsessed,
It was like I was in a coma.
I was completely dead on the inside,
A broken record, senselessy talking of your aroma.

After time, I finally came back,
It was a joyfull day.
I finally realized that you are gone,
And I am here to stay.