
Two tears,
fall on my lap.
Three days,
persuading myself that what you said was just crap.
Four weeks,
of trying to get you out of my head.
One month,
and I still can’t forget what you said.

‘It was done with,
It was over.
I no longer love you.
I love her.’

I could have died
Then and there
My cries of sorrow,
You would not hear.
Your back was turned,
Already out the door.
From there,
We were no more.

And now I walk alone,
In the rain.
I know you’ll never
Feel my pain.

As I stumble blindly,
Madly stricken with despair,
Down this cold road,
With water trickling from my hair,
I wonder what it was.
What did I do wrong?
I know I’ll never have the answer
And sorrow’s strong
And my heart aches terribly,

Two months,
I begin to understand.
Five months,
And from my mind you were banned.
Eight months,
I’m almost alright.
One year,
And my life I’m ready to rewrite.