What's wrong?

Someone please tell me...! My life is screwed up, and you can't figure out why just by asking. I feel depressed, but I look happy.

Is it a guy?


Is it something...simple?

Simple...yet too complicated to understand...let alone explain. I have the harder job in this dilema. I have to sum up the correct words to make you understand me, and something in the back of my mind tells me that it's not gonna happen.

I breathe, but I can't feel life within me. I put on a mask of happiness, and yet I am totally and utterly confused and depressed.

No one sees my reason for being this way...and why should they? How could they? Why would they?

They DON'T want to know. They constantly PRETEND around me. And, honestly... I DON'T care.

I don't need to anyway...

In the long run, they always forget.