Tear's i've cried

By: perfectly.unperfect.

The tears i've cries I can never
get back.
And even if I could it would hurt me
even more.

The tears i've cried I cried because
of you and all of the hurt you caused me.
Somedays I want to die and it's mostly
cause of you.

I never thought you would
do this to me,
But you did you cause me pain,
and you made me cry just because
of what you did to me on the inside.

You broke my heart, ripped it
it to shreds and now you
want to fix it but its not possible.

The tears i've cried are from your actions,
Even when you tell me that your
sorry its not enough.

You think that i'll just forget
but i won't ; it will stay with me
forever and ever.

You probable feel really bad
and you should; you took
my heart and ripped it in two.
I will never trust you with her again.

I thought you were different
from the others, but your not.

Your the same as any of them.
The tears i've cried, i've cried
because of you.