
Gaze upon this maiden! The rosy cheeks and the delicate face crowned with flowing red tinted brown hair the color of almonds. Her eyes filled with azure and a sparkle of gold uncommon. Yes, she is one to look at with a sad, almost contemplating expression too…but it cannot last.

True beauty can last forever! It is the mountains, the forest, and the sea that are beautiful. Hers is a fickle thing; like a rose it shall bud and reach its pinnacle but slowly it will wilt and wither. Her cheeks and face shall be chalky creased riverbeds dried long ago and her hair a dull grey. Her once dazzling eyes shall carry tiredness in them and splotches of milky white. All that shall remain is her sad expression as if she new the day would come all to soon.

To this I say capture her beauty, in some form of art. A painting or words can last for so long and the sad beauty can perhaps then smile. Let her have a reminder of her former self when she is but a shadow of it.