
It's that up all night
butterflies in your stomach
can't stop thinking about him
kinda thing

&& all she wanted
was a guy who would understand
who would love her for who she truly was
but then she realized
that would never happen
because every time she meets the guy
who seems like "mr. right"
pretending like he understands
&& she doesnt realize until the last moment that
no guy will ever understand her
and no guy will ever be worth her tears

Hold on tight
Dont let go
You may not realize it
But he truly loves you

dont lose hope
when the sun goes down
the stars come out

&& I promise,
I will never
forget you.

I love you
I don't love you
These mixed feelings,
I just cant handle.
My heart is
telling me two different things.
As I listen to this song
My eyes fill up with tears.
And I realize,
I love you for real
But it's too late
I will never get you back.

The truth is, you had my heart from the first time you made me smile...
It just took me awhile to realize it.

Oh, dont worry. It's no big deal. I mean, all you did was break my heart, right?

Yes, I am one of those girls who went out and bought the same axe that her boyfriend wears just to put it on my pillow when he's gone.

I really dont think you realize how much you make me smile everyday.

dont you know i've tried and i've tried to get you out my mind.
but it doesnt get any better as
each day goes by and i'm lost and confused
i've got nothing to lose.
hope to hear from you soon.
ps. i'm still not over you

Each night I put my head on my pillow.
&& try to tell myself I'm strong.
Because I've gone another day without you.

I'm tired of all this "Lets play with her emotions" bulls**t.
Either you love me or you don't.
So make up your mind.
Because I'm not going to wait while you take your sweet time.

Don't worry about me; my heart's not broken anymore.
You should be worrying about yourself
because as far as I can see...
you're still an ***hole.

We use to have all those late night phone calls together.
&& now we don't even talk anymore.

His hair
His eyes
Stuck in my mind
His smile
His kiss
Stuck in my mind
His care
His love
All stuck in my heart.

You dont just "get over him."
You either still love him,
or you never did

&& i'd do [[anything]]
just to see you [[smile]]

&& i cant wait
to prove them wrong
and show them what im made of
and what they'll [[never]] achieve.

&& there's just so many
sleepless nights
i just sat up and thought of [[you]]

&&she regrets
everything she said
everything she did
&& wishes she could
t a k e
it all back.

&&how is it
that once it's over again & again
that all the feelings come back
but you know it isnt right

&& i'm going
to try to be happy
&& live my life
the way it should be
w i t h o u t
y o u

i thought we were friends
i guess not
i trusted you
and you turn around
and betray me

if you havent noticed
i've moved on
you're sitting
here writing
stupid quotes
about a "new love"
trying to make me jealous
well sorry it's not working

i had really done it this time
i really hurt him
&& in the end
i only ended up hurting
myself more.

i need someone to talk to
to let all my feelings out to
but all i can do
is sit here & cry
because no one wants to listen

&& i waste all my nights
sitting up up and thinking
about him
&& how i'll never get him back.

&& it takes
until three
in the morning
for me to get to sleep
because i've been crying
over something useless
y o u.

&&I can't have you
&&You won't have me

&&he just doesnt realize
how much i really need him.

&&i just have to accept,
that he's the one boy
my heart will [[never]]
let go of

living our love song
is just so sweet. <3

the best thing that could happen
on your first day of school is
that you know no one at lunch
besides a boy you saw in class
you end up sitting with him,
then end up being the only girl
at a table of
hot. freshmen. football players.

i read the things
you write about me
i think they're very sweet
but sorry now some other boy
has swept me off my feet

the way this boy
makes me feel
is unbelievable
he makes me laugh
makes me smile
and everytime he talks
or smiles at me
i get butterflies.

isn`t every girl`s dream the same?
to have a boy who
calls at three in the morning, pours his heart out to you
without a single hesitation or second thought.

& he was something worth tripping over ;
i just didn`t know i would fall so hard.

There are three things
in you life you can be sure of...

You're gonna pay taxes.
You're gonna die.
And when you put a banana
in your backpack...
it's gonna get SMASHED.

He makes me smile.
It's just not any regular smile either.
It's that radiant smile that you get.
When you know you have fallen head over heals in love,
with the boy of your dreams.

You should have a guy that makes you feel happier, not upset.
Dont think that's too much to ask for.

My tears...your fault.

And of all the ways you hurt me,
the worst is that fact that you went
and danced with her to [[our song.]]

Do you still love me like you used to,
or am I some girl left in your past?

You said we would fix things.
Well we didnt.
You said you loved me.
Well I've been led to believe you never did.
You said I was the one.
Well I guess Im not.
You said you wouldnt break my heart.
Well you did.

you never know
how badly it truly hurts
until that moment
when you know
you've lost them forever.

&&I want to end up being the only girl on his top friends list.

My heart is like a badly wrecked car...totaled.

&&When you forget her,
dont you dare remember me.