Don't Let Me Get Me

I sit here ripping out my hair
I hate the girl staring out me in the mirror
I want to smash in her face and watch the pieces fall to the ground
I want her to look away
I don't want her to see me cry
I want her disappear and never come back
No matter how much makeup I wear
The girl in the mirror is still the same
I dye my hair and she is still the same
Her eyes still hold pain
Her tears still fall like spring rain
Her expression is always the same
Do not let me get me
Or I will rip of my own face
I want to be somebody else
Someone happy and full of life
I retreat to my corner and wipe of my face
Smash the mirror and let the blood trickle down my fist
I don't want to be my own friend any longer
She doesn't want to be my friend either
We scream as one shattering these thin walls
All around us the pieces fall
I crawl on my hands and knees, begging
Do not let me get me!!!!

{Inspired by Pink's- Hazard to Myself}