
My Juliet

Trapped in a world of heterosexuality.
Bound to a world of no indivituality.
Trying to shake off the chains of judgement & fear,
Trying to make sense of all that's unclear.
Wondering if I could ever just be me,
Needing an escape from reality.
Shake off the blindfolds and just try to see
All of the good thats inside of me.
Trapped in my skin, can you let me break free?
Just let me love, just let me be me.
Your on the outside looking in,
Calling this kind of love a sin.
Discriminating against me 'cause im not like you,
But if you were like me, what would you do?
Banished to hell by something you don't believe,
Where's the equality i'm supposed to recieve?
I try to stand up and show my pride,
Yet instead you send me to run & hide.
Can't go outside and show any PDA,
Have to pretend that I'm not gay.
You stare at me as I hold her hand,
But you wouldn't think twice if she was a man.
What's wrong with loving who i want,
Nightmares of trying to please you continue to haunt.
Dreaming of a world where being gay is okay,
Wanting a world where I can love who I may.

One day instead of going over the rainbow,
We could go through it.
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more regret
Than this of Juliet and her fair Juliet.

{I wrote this with my Best Friend Ashley-wa}