My Heart Beats For You

Every look you give me.
Every smile you send my way.
They make my heart flutter,
In a most peculiar way.

The way you hug me tightly,
The way you say hello.
It sets my heart on fire,
Makes my eyes begin to glow.

You catch my gaze and hold it,
When we have a conversation.
You do this with no other,
And it fills me with elation.

When we cuddle on the couch,
I can hear your heart beat.
It finds a rhythm with mine.
And I find that very sweet.

But you never seem to notice,
When I never want to let go.
When I never want to leave.
When I always want you to know.

We exchange 'I love you's'
Like good friends often do.
But to me it means so much more.
Than it will ever mean to you.