The Innocent It

Pursue it
Be crushed by it.

Ignore it
Be sought by it.

The innocent 'it'
Dreamed of
Hated on
Cried upon
Held fast, holding on.

Relentless in finding
In plain sight but hiding.

A mystery,
Unsolved but carried on
Found by some,
Painfully obvious
But dancing away
Just out of reach.

The innocent 'it'
So colorful, in black and white
Spinning senseless
Reeling around,
Until it fades
Leaving you grey
Wallowing in pain.

The Innocent 'it.'
The Innocent 'It.'

so what'd you think of my shitty love-crap thing? almost everyone on mibba has some sort of love related writing, so I decided to give it a shot, I like my other stuff better :)