Why Do I Still Love You Even Though You Put Me Through Hell And Back?

Why do you always blame me?
For everything that goes wrong in your life?
For your problems with that girl who supposedly loves you?
Why am I, your supposed best friend, always getting crap from you?
You tell me you love me,
Why is it so hard for me to believe you?
Sometimes I wish I didn't know you,
I know that's such a horrible thing to say,
But if you knew every time you blamed me for some thing that didn't go according to plan with that whore you call a girlfriend that it tears my heart just a little more.
If you knew all the shit I've gotten for these last 8 years for standing up for you, for loving you, for just being your friend,
Then maybe just maybe you'd show some appreciation,
But no it's all about you!
Well I'm DONE, I'm giving up on this friendship!
You can take whatever shit is thrown at you from now on!
Then lets see who needs who then!
I just know you'll come crawling back to me.
But will I care?
No, because you never cared about me so why should I care about you?!
Tell me why and maybe, just maybe I'll care.
Just watch me walk away,
At first you won't care but then when you need a shoulder to cry on, someone who isn't your mom, dad, or brother to tell something to,
Then and only then will you finally realize what a big mistake you made and just how big it is!
You should know by now that when someone I love hurts me I don't forgive or heal easily.
And when you try to apologize it will take a long time til I will forgive you.
It could be weeks, months, years, I don't know and won't know how long it takes til you finally get over your ego and get down on your knees and ask for forgiveness, maybe even beg.
Who knows?
Only you know when that will happen,
And only I know the answer to your plea.
I won't lie, cause I myself hate liars, you know that,
I will miss your companionship, your smile, your laugh, and your idiotic ways that made me laugh so easily.
But there is one thing I won't miss,
And that is her and that facade you put on ever since you two got together,
The bitch who took away the real you,
The one I have loved all these years,
The one who made me laugh, and even cry at times,
You are the only one who could ever do that, you know?
You were the only one who knew everything about me,
The only who held all my secrets,
And yet you used that to your advantage,
You took my heart,
And you ripped it out of my chest,
And you walked, stomped and trampled all over it.
And yet I still love you.
I must be insane or something,
Who could ever love a monster like you?
Obviously me for some unknown reason,
I've thought about it for years but could never come up with an answer,
I still can't.
Maybe it's because I felt sorry for you all those years ago,
Being the smallest,one of the youngest, and with no friends.
Maybe it's because I liked your personality,
Or your smile,
Or your laugh,
Or those beautiful blue eyes I could always so easily get lost in,
Or that fake feeling of being wanted, being loved,
But it was all a lie,
And I see it now,
Now that I've finally opened my eyes.
I see that you never really loved me like you led me to believe,
You really only used me.
You know how that makes me feel?
Like I'm a worthless piece of shit, that's how.
But you know what?
I don't care anymore.
Cause I have friends who truly love me, unlike you,
And they constantly tell me, and remind me,
With the constant hugs, 'I love yous', and just being there for me when I need them,
And actually listening to my problems.
You never did that,
You only pretended to listen,
So in turn I would listen to you, like a good friend would,
But you don't know what that is do you?
No you don't, cause you use the the people who actually care for you.
Like with that whore you love so much.
You know how it makes you feel to be called a liar when you've done nothing wrong?
Well then you know how I feel right now.
I sometimes wish you would die and leave me alone and try to convince myself I wouldn't cry at your funeral, or miss you.
But I know no matter how hard I try,
I would never be able to let you go,
And that's just sucks,
I just love you to fucking much,
But is that love ever returned?
Cause your just a selfish asshole!
Well I hope you live a happy life free of me.