If I Loved You...?

“If I loved you, would you love me back? Would you be there everyday, to tell me everything was alright? Would you hold my hand in a public place and tell the world I’m yours? Would you sing me to sleep no matter how bad you thought you were? Would you care for me whenever I was sick and sit with me until I fell asleep? And as I slept would you stroke my hair and caress my cheek, softly brushing your lips against mine? Would you promise me the world and only later realize you are my world? Would you wipe away my tears and hold me in your arms telling me it didn’t matter because you were here now? And as my tears stopped would you cry, only hoping to make my life a better place? Would you love me more than life itself, and when told to choose between me and air, use your last breath to tell me you love me? When asked to explain your love for me, would you sit in silence, only to later say that words could not describe your love nor do it justice? And when I die, would you promise to live on, telling the world of our love story and how important every chapter was? Would you tell our kids that what we had was real and that no one can take that away? If I loved you, would you promise me this?”

He took her face in his hands and looked through her eyes and into her soul. Brushing his thumbs against her cheeks he whispered into her heart…

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”