when will it come

i love it when she smiles
i love it when she laughs
i could think of her for miles
but my heart is like a shaft
it's creaky, lonely and very cold
unlike my love for her which is weakly, phony but very bold
theres only one thing that could cure this
and you might know what it is
all though i don't deserve this it is true loves 1st kiss
now you might think that sounds corny and i'll agree it does
but I'm tired of feeling this wasted emotion that is called lust
it does nothing but bring pain
and i cant take it any more
it makes my heart feel lame
and closes my hearts door
i want to feel accepted for who i really am
cause most girls look at me and just don't give a dam
they look at me and see my cover
and i do care what they think cause all want to do is find my true lover
I've been waiting for a while for my love to come
but all the girls i date turn out to be really dumb
i want some one smart, pretty and a lot of fun
but all they do is attack my heart give me pity and treat me like I'm dumb