I Don't Trust You, I Never Will. Friend My Ass...

im sick of your shit
and your fucking shitty lies

I thought you were a friend
but you were just a 2 face

you acted like a friend
and said you would
always be there
but then you take
their side and
you dont tell me

I knew not to trust you.

you ask why i have shitty
trust when it comes to people
well know you know why
its because of people like

Im sick of your lies and the
shitty drama you bring into
my fucking life
Im going through my own drama
I dont need your's

you say you will be there for
me and you have my back
okay lets test that out
NOT !! i would
NEVER put my life
in you hands.

I would kill myself before
I did something as stupid as that.

you acted all nice and acted
like a friend should
but I always knew you would
up and turn your fucking back

but thats okay
i dont care
come ask me for help
I wont be there...