im stuck in this haze

i curl up and with everything away.
but in my world wishing strips you of everything you have and just brings many hearts to pain. my dark maze with twists and turns that all lead to dead ends. i let the cold take me and my lingering thoughts, memories and regrets swim in my head with a will of their own. they convince me to leave.
death by your own hand has that effect.
arms, souls and hearts ache with regret as to why i wanted to leave. amd i slowly realize that i'd rather have a life than sit in my darkness for eternity.
i dont want to be alone.
i fight the devil in my mind and pull the knife away from my arm. sadly though i have already gone too far and the demond fights back forcing my knife closer and closer. i give up and sighlently await my fate. i feel my last tears worm their way down my cheek. the knife quckly slices my arms and then rests on my chest. its quick and only a little painful. no sound is heard and i slump to the floor and get lost in the haze.
i feel free. finally. im not bound to my world. my one wish that i wanted was granted.
i taste it, feel it, smell it.. but i cant see it. my dark. in the dark parts of my heart under the walls and barriers that prevent me from telling anyone my secret.

i wanted to feel the pain.
my wish was granted