Stitched Lips (sanitarium)

An Armageddon obituary
These nightmares, never vary
It's anything but sang-froid
And everything to avoid
Somber cires...
Feckless lies...
A twisted affliction
Of bloody contradiction
My life's a skid row
Following me where-ever I go
Febrille reflection haunts my vision
To pull the plug, what a decision
Fated and fey...
Oh, the words they say
Bled of yet another blood bank
Mind is fading, going blank
I scream, but no one hears
I cry some unseen tears
Encased inside my own hollow
This truth is so hard to swallow
Heart pounding like a choppy drum beat
This ragged breathing is a comic feat
An OD, I shake and quiver
Cold sweat...
Panic attack...
I start to shiver...

On these walls I pound
On my blood I drown
Out to anyone, I'll cry and call
Down my veins these nails will claw
God help me, I am not sane
This life you've given
Has become my bane
This medication in me you pump
Is toxic waste in which you dump
You torture me to near death
Always restoring me with new breath
Chain saws roar inside my head
With all this torment, I wish I was dead
In this septic sanctum in which I live
You take until I've nothing to give
You break me until I'm whole
Until my heart is black as coal
Mordant prayers sent to above
Is this how you demonstrate your love?
Feral serenity burns through my veins
There's not one thing that truly remains
You've picked me apart piece by piece
This sordid hell will not cease
Rotting infections drip and seep
As I tell myself, I will not weep
Blood and sweat, cold and grime
Check the clock, out of time
Broken wrists...
Knotted fists...
Just remember, this was not my choice
Stitched lips, I have no voice