Bleeding heart

Who do you turn to when the tidings are so bad?
Your mother?
The one who warned you about things like this,
The life you seem to be reliving?
Your brother?
Who could care less,
Too glued to the PS2 to tell your hurting inside?
Your grandmother?
Who’s out at the doctors,
Too busy to care about some childish hurt?
Your so called friend?
Who committed the crime,
The crime of ripping out your heart and stomping on it,
Trying to patch it up with half thought words?
Or the one who’s always there for you?
Hidden in the shadows, the one only you can see,
Who cares and wont let you grab that blade and open a vain again.
Who is always watching out for you,
Coming to you when you need him the most
When no one else will do.
My bleeding heart goes to Jay-Jay, I love you baby bro.