
As he strokes your face you choke back tears;
You've become someone you don't even know,
Someone he's in love with
You fight the darkness clouding your mind,
You wonder why, as you were kissing him,
He was not the one in your mind
He never is.
All he cares about is you,
All you care about is hope,
The tiny sliver of light that's floating farther from you;
You hold on to the only surface you find as gravity slips away.
He sees that you aren't there,
He strokes your face harder and whispers that he loves you,
He stumbles out that he's sorry for whatever he's done wrong.
You sigh because he's done nothing.
Nobody every does anything,
You just slowly kill yourself.
You never have what you need,
You're never held by the one you want,
You just settle for someone else's perfection.
You just settle for the you that barely exists.
The you that you created, the you that you loathe.