I Love Her

Her red boe shimmers
Along with her hair.
Her smile warms the room
And clears the air.

She has no clue that I'm watching
Or how happy she makes me.
I wont ruin the moment,
I'll let them be.

She doesn't realize
How much she changed my life,
I love her so,
With all my strife.

She knows she's special,
That's why she's got him.
He's a good boyfriend,
But he makes my life dim.

I know I stand no chance
With the one I love,
But being with her
Makes me feel like a dove.

So I'll say whatever
When she comes inside
Even though my heart is jumping,
Like a roller coaster ride.

I love her smile,
I love her eyes,
I love making her feel better
When she cries.

I love her nose,
I love her lips,
I love her personality,
And I love her hips.

She stares into space
At very strange times.
She helps me with poems
And making up rhymes.

We're the best of friends,
But I want something more.
She has no clue,
Or she'd call me a whore.

She has no love left
For you or I.
She's used it all
On that guy.