Darling, Don't Doubt Me

Close your eyes
Take a deep breath
And leap from the edge
He’s gone dearest,
Gone forever
Go on, I’ll talk you through it
No, no, no
Don’t look down
You’ll chicken out
So look up at the stars
And remember
The way he stroked your hair
The way his soft lips brushed your own
The way his muscles flexed slightly as he embraced you
That’s right
Cry my darling
Cry and think
Think of how you’re never going to see him again
Death tore him from you
And now death can take you back to him
Why do I sense doubt my dear?
Don’t you trust me?
Now we can go see him
Are you ready?
Close your eyes my lovely
And take your last breath
All you need is one more step
That’s right, over the edge we go…