Ode to An Angel

Your strength is unrelenting.
Your soul, impenetrable.
Through some sick and twisted fate,
You still stand, intact.
The fires of hell could not make you quiver at their coming.
And come they did.
With a vengeance, they licked at your body,
Leaving shriveled flesh, withered limbs and a scarred spirit.
The kiss of the Devil left you hanging by a string.
They said you weren’t going to live,
Yet you prevailed.
You fought and you clung to the shred of hope that was your life.
What courage you have to turn away from death.
What courage you have to disappoint the Devil.
Lucifer cursed you in his defeat,
And you saw another day.
My heart throbs as I remember receiving the news.
Your mother fell abruptly ill,
Her blood was tainted and it was killing her.
The very source of her life had turned against her.
Tears stain my paper,
As I recall the blow her death gave me.
I can only imagine your world stopping, your brain denying, and your soul crushing.
It breaks my heart.
She lies in the casket,
And you don’t recognize her.
Her face has been molested by sickness,
She isn’t mamma anymore.
You keep your composure,
Until they lie her in the ground.
Then, your body breaks in everyway.
There goes your mamma,
Why would she leave you behind?
Tears flood from your eyes,
As you plead with God “Why, oh why?”
And even though the Devil whispers the answer,
You don’t hear, because you don’t want to.
Your brother sobs next to you,
He is begging for his mother,
Because now, it sinks in.
She will never hold him again,
Never whisper comforting things ever again.
There goes your mamma,
Oh what heart you have,
To smile today.
What a Herculean soul you have,
To live for tomorrow.
I can only imagine your strength Kayla,
I can only imagine.

***in loving memory of Bonnie Broquett and her three amazing children, Britanny, Brian, and Kayla***